Stilo Magolide shows off his brand new car, a Mazda MX-5

Rapper Stilo Magolide recently bought himself a brand new sports car, a Mazda MX-5 and he wants you to see it.
The Johannesburg based musician, businessman and fashion enthusiast actually made the purchase almost two and a half ago and the car he bought is in fact the latest model of the Mazda MX-5.
This car is extremely fast, super light weight, black in color, has two seats only and it is the hardtop RF model meaning it is not a convertible.
The ‘Nomungathini’ rapper spent more than R500,000 in order to acquire his latest set of wheels but we can assure you that it is worth every penny.
Below are a few specifications of Stilo Magolide new Mazda MX-5;
- Average price : $28,755
- 181 Horsepower engine
- It has a top speed of 135 mph
- It can run from zero to 60 mph in less than 6 seconds
- It has a 2.0 liter engine
- It’s equipped with a touchscreen infotainment system
- It also has Bluetooth connectivity
- The also comes with a CD player.
Check out the photos below as Stilo Magolide flexes a bit with his car;

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Congratulations Stilo, we hope that you are enjoying your new wheels.